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Bridge Officers

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Squadron Commander
Cdr. Brian Crabbe, AP

The Squadron Commander is responsible for the overall operation of the Columbus Sail and Power Squadron.


Executive Officer
Lt/C Glen Kubinski, P

The Squadron Executive Officer is responsible for interaction with the general public, boat shows, national safe boating week activities, public relations.


Administrative Officer
Lt/C Ruthie Kubinski, P

Administrator Officer is responsible for internal matters of the squadron such as membership, social activities, dinner meetings and summer boating rendezvous.

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Squadron Educational Officer
P/C Bob Rayburn, SN-IN

The Educational Officer manages all of the educational activities of the squadron including public boating courses and the education curriculum.

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Lt/C John Seaver,  SN

The Squadron Secretary is responsible for the minutes of business meetings, the Galley Gossip newsletter and the membership roster.

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P/C Mari Seaver, S

The Squadron Treasurer is in charge of the bookkeeping, finance, investments, budget and grants for the squadron.

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Immediate Past Commander
P/C Bob Goelz, S

The Immediate Past Commander serves on the Executive Committee as an advisor to the Squadron Commander.


​Lt Sue Goelz, S
Lt Joe Huffman, AP
Lt Michael T Hughes, AP
Lt Ralph Newman, AP
P.C Larry Lowe, SN
Lt Phil Osborne, JN-IN
Lt Ruth Wilcox, S
Lt David Keller


SEO, 1st/Lt Mary Rayburn, P
Secretary, 1st/Lt Thomas Doyle, P

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