Time & Location
Aug 10, 2023, 1:00 PM – Aug 13, 2023, 1:00 PM
Moundsville, 13th St, Moundsville, WV 26041, USA
About The Event
New Dates: August 10 – 13
Thursday Aug 10, Holiday Inn Express (3 yrs old). Moundsville, WV; 10 rooms are blocke; $150/night, 25% discount. Phone 304-373-5522 ........Mention Cols America's Boating Club
Cutoff date for this price is July 10; don't be late! You should try and get there early afternoon; 2.5 hr. tow from Columbus.
Attractions –
· Adena Indian Museum, FREE, much to see.
· WV St. Prison (not active now) offers 1.5 hr. tours - $11.00 for Seniors. For reservations email www.wvpentours.com. (I actually toured the prison while in HS, part of a class, guessing 1961-62. Then it had prisoners, full time.)
We will launch at the Moundsville RiverFront Park, about 1 mile from Hotel. I have talked to the Police Dept & they will step up their patrol of the area. I'm told there are plenty of parking spaces. We need to park beside each other; I told them I would send a pic of our group of vehicles to the Police Dept.
Friday, Aug 11 - boat to Marietta; Lafayette Hotel, approx 70 miles OTW.
2-3 locks to pass on trip downstream. We will pass my hometown & hopefully my sister will be able to come to the docks, so we can all say hi.
I may ask some classmates of mine to join us on the trip to Marietta. If I do & they accept, could some ride with you?
Late lunch on the River at “The Jug” (approx. 45-50 miles) in Newport, Ohio. The Jug is a little old DQ, now a very cute sandwich/ice cream shop, local favorite. Located on the River with several picnic tables on the “Banks of the Mighty Ohio River”.
Stay in Hotel Lafayette; again 10 rooms blocked; we already have 4 reserved. Call 740-373-5522 for your reservations. Rooms blocked with ‘Columbus Power Squadron’. They had this title for years; I decided not to confuse things and change our name with them. The cut off at the Lafayette is 30 days, or July 11.
We will have dockage at Marietta Harbor, same as years past. Call them with YOUR special needs, if any! 740-371-5600. Depending on how many boats we may need to raft. I need to let them know how many boats are coming by August 1.
Saturday boat to Parkersburg, WV area, approx. 20-25 miles, then back to Marietta.
Sunday, head back to Moundsville.
Joe Huffman joes442@sbcglobal.net